Fibrosis Control Center
1. Specific Aim of the Center Research Project
This center aims for the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of fibrosis-pathogenetic protein-protein interaction (PPI), which is rapidly emerging as a very promising new therapeutic target, and the discovery of preclinical candidates modulating the protein interfaces related with fibrosis. Based on this multi-disciplinary and focused group research, the center will be established as a global leading research center.
2. Major Research Areas
For the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of fibrosis-pathogenetic protein-protein interaction and the discovery of anti-fibrotic therapeutics, multidisciplinary experts majoring in protein structure analysis, molecular modeling, drug design, synthesis, oncology, toxicology and pharmaceuticals will perform the following research.
1. Identification of novel fibrosis treatment targets and screening fibrosis modulators
2. Identification of the molecular mechanisms of the PPI of fibrotic diseases, discovery and optimization of lead compounds
3. Mechanism elucidation of fibrosis and network identification
3. Expected Contribution
■ Structural study of fibrosis-pathogenic protein-protein interaction, discovery of modulators, elucidation of modulation mechanism related with fibrotic disease will contribute to the development of drug discovery field.
■ The technology developed by our research center will contribute to the new drug development venture companies, research centers, university, pharmaceutical company based on basic science, pharmacy and medical science.